#1 crypto app in your hands

Enjoy using Arzmodern app

Using our app, everything you need from the crypto market will be on your phone


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Android & ios

Buy and sell crypto in Smart Phones

All the services of our exchange platform will be in your mobile phone. Registration, KYC , buying & selling cryptocurrencies can all be done in the Arzmodern application.

Enjoy Crypto

Application features

The Arzmodern Android application has following features and these features will be more completed and updated over time

Crypto News

Important and up-to-date news of the world of cryptocurrencies

Crypto Academy

Educational and practical articles on cryptocurrencies

Trading Crypto

Authentication, instant buying and selling of cryptocurrencies

Hardware Wallet Store

Selling all kinds of hardware wallets for safe storage

Educational videos

Educational videos and introduction of the top crypto

Daily technical analysis

Today’s technical analysis of important cryptocurrencies

Earn crypto

Trade training in the app

You can also Check and view all video tutorials on Technical , Fundamental and Onchain analysis in Arzmodern App.




Active installation


Choose the market

Download and install the Arzmodern application from popular markets.

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Do you want to start making money with crypto?

It’s an exciting time to become a investor or trader.